Zapraszamy na transmisje LiVE z międzynarodowych zawodów skokach przez przeszkody - CSI Olsza 2023.
sobota - 27 maja 2023
- 8:30 - Youngster Tour for 5 years old horses, competition two phases special, article 274.2.5 (height 110 cm)
- 9:30 - Youngster Tour for 6 & 7 years old horses, competition against the clock, article 238.2.1 (height 125 cm/130 cm)
- 11:15 - Extra Tour, competition against the clock article 238.2.1 (height 110 cm)
- 12:20 - Medium Tour, competition two phases 1st and 2nd phase against the clock article (height 135 cm)
- 15:00 - Big Tour LR, competition against the clock article 238.2.1 (height 145 cm)
- 17:20 - Small Tour, competition against the clock article 238.2.1 (height 120 cm)
niedziela - 28 maja 2023
- 8:00 - Youngster Tour Final for 5 years old horses, competition two phases 1st and 2nd phase against the clock, article (height 115 cm)
- 8:50 - Youngster Tour Final for 6 & 7 years old horses, competition two phases 1st and 2nd phase against the clock, article (height 130 cm and 135 cm)
- 10:30 - Extra Tour Final, competition against the clock article 238.2.1 (height 115 cm)
- 11:40 - Medium Tour Final, competition against the clock Article 238.2.1 (height 135 cm)
- 14:30 - GRAND PRIX LR, competition against the clock with jump off article 238.2.2 (height 145 cm)
- 17:00 - Small Tour, competition against the clock article 238.2.1 (height 125 cm)
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